bulk :: 15st 6 (hush now)
cigarettes :: 0
bonsai doobies :: 12 or so
Wii Fit sessions :: 3
gyms visited :: 3
gyms joined :: 0
bikes bought :: 0
interviews given :: 3
interviews enjoyed :: 2
interviews aired :: 1
interviews in the pipeline :: 3
books started :: 3
books finished :: 0
films watched :: 0
jellies eaten :: 4
opportunities for change :: 1
dates :: 1
So. It’s been quite a week. I’ve just done my third telephone interview with the achingly lovely Nadine from Phantom 105.2. From the very beginning Nadine was extremely personable and it was a pleasure to talk to her. The interview will be going out tomorrow morning between 10 a.m. and noon, on her show called The Kiosk.
Radio Ulster next week. The Irish love me.
Now I have to rush. I have to do some Wii Fit, and I have to go walking somewhere. Walking is the answer! Look at Stephen Fry! And then I have to prepare myself, for tonight I am meeting a lady I found on the internet. I’m not going to talk about it though, because I will turn everything into rubble.
Speaking of rubble, I am reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. It is remarkable, hypnotic and powerfully sad. I feel sad just thinking about it now in fact. Let’s move on.
This afternoon I’m going to Newcastle to try and find some decent bookplates, or indeed any bookplates. These are those customised stickers that can be signed and stuck in the front of books. I’m trying to persuade Publisher Lady to make some for me at Murdoch House but, you know, times are hard. Look at this one the publishers of Freakonomics made though...

That's kinda cool, and cheap as chips to make. What excellent publishers they must be. How kind. How clever.
Oh, I heard yesterday of an opportunity to move back to London in September. I’m thinking about it.
Oh, and if you do nothing else today, please follow this link and vote yes. Go on, it’s important. And hilarious.
For now, must dash.
Have a tour-de-force of a weekend, won’t you? Do something I wouldn’t do, then tell me about it.
Man! Your life sure is more exciting than mine at the moment.
That Nadine lady's rather nice.
leaving for a scuba-diving holiday in mexico. i don't wanna die... I DON'T WANNA DIEEEEEEEEE!
I've been trying to think of something more mental and pointless than those bookplates, but I haven't yet managed to come up with anything quite so idiotic.
I mean, really, what is the bloody point of them?
The new slimline version of Stephen Fry does look rather lovely, though I'm not so sure about the new Michael Parkinson smile he's sporting in that first photo.
I used to love him in the good old days, before he started wanking on about Twitter all the live long day. I know you like a bit of a Twit yourself, but I'm prepared to forgive you for that, and fully expect you to grow out of it soon.
This isn't shaping up to be a very friendly message, is it? I do agree with you about The Road though, so it's not all bad.
All good wishes for the anti-rubble. I hope things work out just swell.
Sadly I won't be up to anything particularly naughty this weekend.
Also, if you're looking for bookplates you should check out Etsy.com - lovely US website that sells handmade bits & bobs.
Good luck on the date!
good luck on your date! i'll be lustfully embracing my "comprehensive pharmacy review" textbook this weekend. grrr... :o(
You're getting rather slick at this interview business. Good work!
This weekend I shall be filling in an application for a new job, working on my bloody PhD, and trying to work out if passion is a requisite part of a happy marriage.
I'm not looking forward to this weekend much. Hope your date goes well.
Good God, she is achingly lovely.
This weekend I will be buying your book, from my local independent bookstore if they've had the sense to stock it. I will be reading it on the train to see my mum in hospital and hoping it will block out the apprehension of watching her slowly making her way back to us.
Ha! As a proud member of 'I'd Rather Chew My Own Nipples Off Than Buy The Daily Mail' I dispatched your challenge to all like-minded friends. The vote was then at 92% in favour.
I now notice that the entire poll has now disappeared from the Mail Online. Somewhat ironically, the headline of the Mail today was something along the lines of, "Do They Think We're Stupid?" regarding the censorship of MPs' expenses (makes a change from The Great Wheelie Bin Scandal).
Hennyway. Hope you're having the loveliest of nights, Stan.
PS I so love the thought of you on the Wii Fit.
I just tried to vote "yes" and it popped up "forbidden"!
Blimus and blimeyoli. Just signed a handful of grand away to rent a detached chalet apartment in London (not many of them to the pound) till t' end of the year.It's quirky and even has a wooden patio deck. Not to mention that it is perched on top of a hill and surrounded by wooden fences and trees. Kinda like a Swiss Family Robinson chalet in London.. Sorted, innit. Gorgeous too. Might even invite you over. Can't find your book in the shops yet.....
Am sending positive karmic vibrations from California in hopes that no rubble ensues...and on behalf of all the ladies on the internet--though with perhaps all-too-characteristic pessimism--I'm also inwardly imploring la chiquita in question not to make us all look bad, or anything.
I still haven't worked out what I can do this weekend that you wouldn't be inclined toward; does smoking clove cigarettes, making stupid LiveJournal icons and writing S&M-flavoured porn count?
This weekend? Involved going to cambridge on friday night to indulge in huge amounts of kink, such as tying up my girlfriend and flogging her, before leaving her in a cage to think upon her misdeeds for a while. Once she felt like coming out, I took her away upstairs to have a little more fun.
The rest of the weekend has been spent mostly in bed, and recovering...
All good clean fun ;o)
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