Friday 10 April 2009

Please Watch The Film...

...on this site. Read the words by all means, but please watch the film.

Update :: Apparently the words 'vagina' and 'vulva' are not sufficient warning of the slightly adult nature of the film at the end of this link. So I've been asked to add, if you're anywhere near people for whom you suspect the sight of silicon implants and the smell of 'precious vaginal fragrance' might be a source of distress, then this link might very well embarrass you.

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Anonymous said...

Jebus. Have you seen the list of Things To Note in the FAQ?

Wisewebwoman said...

What's next:
Semen in a sachet?

PurestGreen said...

I had to shield my vision with my hand at one point, and I am still blushing. That guy is so creepy - the way the light seems to flash in his eyes. Eeep!

Anonymous said...

Fucken funny. Did the Vag. sniff box induce the silver twinkle that blips from his eyes towards the end?

I'm gonna email you too. Soon.

Hoppy easter n all vat.


Anonymous said...

Jesus twatting christ almighty. Is there a high def version of the film with the bloke pixellated out? Also, I read the URL as "Smell me 'and".

Beyond that, I'm really not sure what to make of it all. Apart from, wow, fake breasts aren't always a bad thing are they?

Litha said...

Creepy man, naked girls and smelly vaginas... Not much there for me.

We live in a strange, strange world. I think it's kind of sad that we have to resort to this sort of 'stuff'. Everything seems fake these days!

(Or is it? Where do they get this stuff from?? On second thought, I don't want to know!)

Catofstripes said...

That would reek havoc (sorry, deliberate pun) in this house where every available surface is coated in cat pheromones to discourage what the merkins (yes, I can't help it after that video) would call 'inappropriate toiletting'.

I really can't decide whether to pass on the virus or not.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the NSFW warning.

Sherylificus said...

It is customary to put an NSFW with such links. Or in this instance, a NSFP warning. Not Safe For Parents. Thanks, Stan.

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

yeah I bet that scent is about as authentic as those tits! this cracked me up. (I'll let you smell my fingers for 9euros, what a deal!)

Hat Jodelka said...

I wish it had been flagged as NSFW too. I often read your blog from work, and as I work in a school I could easily have got sacked. Viewing any porn is flagged in my contract as gross misconduct.

The tags weren't helpful as that's not language used to flag porn. I thought it might have been health information.

I won't take the risk of reading your blog in my lunch hour again. Thankfully I was at home.

Please sort it. Thank you.

Antipo Déesse said...

The muzak is even more offensive to me than the silicone and the robotic expressions.